Subscription terms

The site offers only one subscription option, no hidden fees nor automatic renewal. The subscription fees are not refundable. In order to avoid abuse, no exceptions are accepted.

The price of each audio tale is € 2.00.- In order to reduce the costs to € 10.- for all the stories, we have opted for the “story making available” system. This means that you can listen to the stories for a defined period of 2 months from the payment (and not for an indefinite period which would cost € 50.00.-). This system is similar to that of a cinema where you pay the price of an entry to watch a movie.

These prices are for European customers. Pricing in other countries may vary and actual charges may be converted to your local currency depending on your country of residence. The amount will be charged through your usual platform’s account. The site, related website & audio tales may evolve and be different each year without notice.

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